April 14 & 15th, 2005
ESI's temperature control installation at...


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1. Start of work day one - looking north at downtown Louisville.  Leon Petcov, the owner has put us up in two "Corporate" apartments.
2. Dave enjoys coffee before work begins
3. Another view of the downtown louisville area.
4. The living room in my apartment... nice... 
5. Sunrise looking east
6. Another view of building
7. Yet another view of building from a slightly different angle
8. Dave performs critical boiler adjustments to power flame assembly.
9. Power supply and relays for AD 2000 control systems
10. 25 feet above ground level Dave fastens wire to ceiling. 
11. Another critical boiler adjustment was required.
12. ESI's control systems nearing completion.
13. A last look at building as we leave.
14. Job well done.
15. Arriving back in Chicago - LSD North,